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SDK iOS Version 2.0

Alt text

Environment settings

Install Homebrew Check brew

$ brew --version
If Homebrew is not installed, you will see:

$ zsh: command not found: brew

If Homebrew is not installed, use the following command:

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install pods

$ brew install cocoapods

Create Navigation project with xcode

Create project with Swift and Storyboard Open xcode, select File > New > Project Alt text

Make sure the project runs successfully. If successful, you will receive the layout as shown below. Alt text

Import libraries with Podfile 1. Go to Terminal and switch to your local project:

cd NavigationSample
2. Once you are inside the project folder, type the command below to create/initialize your POD files:
pod init
3. Open the Podfile and write with code below:
pod 'VietMap', '~> 1.2.2'
pod 'VietMapNavigation', '~> 2.1.8'
pod 'VietMapCoreNavigation', '~> 2.1.6'
4. Then install library
pod install --repo-update
5. Double click on the Xcode workspace to open the project


addGestureRecognizer: Register Gesture Recognizer for mapview

Directions: Request api to search for directions

NavigationViewController: Start navigation

Subscribe to the route manager's event listener



Register to listen to events of the NavigationMapViewDelegate map manager

didSelect: WayPoint

didSelect: Route

Register to listen to the navigation manager's NavigationViewControllerDelegate event



Build project

Add config to Info.plist

Request permission to access device location.

    <string>Your request location description</string>
    <string>Your request location description</string>
    <string>Your request location description</string>
Add config URL Style, URL server and API_KEY.

Create a layout in Main like the image below, in which: UIView: mapView > show mapView UIButton: clearMarker > delete destination marker UIButton: startButton > start navigation Refer to UI or copy paste at NavigationSample/Main.storyboard

Alt text

Initialize mapView

var mapView: NavigationMapView? {
    didSet {
        if let mapView = mapView {
            view.insertSubview(mapView, belowSubview: longPressHintView)

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

func startMapView() {
    self.routes = nil
    self.waypoints = []
    self.mapView = NavigationMapView(frame: view.bounds,styleURL: URL(string: styleView))
    // Reset the navigation styling to the defaults if we are returning from a presentation.
    if (presentedViewController != nil) {
    Locale.localeVoice = "vi"

Register Gesture Recognizer for mapView

Create a didLongPress event to request a destination in the map.

let longTap = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(didLongPress(tap:)))
mapView.gestureRecognizers?.filter({ $0 is UILongPressGestureRecognizer }).forEach(longTap.require(toFail:))

Get the coordinates and assign a marker to the destination in the didLongPress event.

@objc func didLongPress(tap: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
    guard let mapView = mapView, tap.state == .began else { return }

    if let annotation = mapView.annotations?.last, waypoints.count > 2 {

    if waypoints.count > 1 {
        waypoints = Array(waypoints.suffix(1))

    let coordinates = mapView.convert(tap.location(in: mapView), toCoordinateFrom: mapView)
    // Note: The destination name can be modified. The value is used in the top banner when arriving at a destination.
    let waypoint = Waypoint(coordinate: coordinates, name: "Dropped Pin #\(waypoints.endIndex + 1)")


Request API to search for directions

Request to search for a route with the starting point being the current location, the destination being the location after longPress.

func requestRoute() {
    guard waypoints.count > 0 else { return }
    guard let mapView = mapView else { return }

    let userWaypoint = Waypoint(location: mapView.userLocation!.location!, heading: mapView.userLocation?.heading, name: "User location")
    waypoints.insert(userWaypoint, at: 0)

    let routeOptions = NavigationRouteOptions(waypoints: waypoints)

    requestRoute(with: routeOptions, success: defaultSuccess, failure: defaultFailure)

fileprivate func requestRoute(with options: RouteOptions, success: @escaping RouteRequestSuccess, failure: RouteRequestFailure?) {
    let handler: Directions.RouteCompletionHandler = {(waypoints, potentialRoutes, potentialError) in
        if let error = potentialError, let fail = failure { return fail(error) }
        guard let routes = potentialRoutes else { return }
        return success(routes)

    Directions.shared.calculate(options, completionHandler: handler)

Start navigating

Start navigation, hide the current mapView and replace it with a navigationView.

func startStyledNavigation() {
    guard let route = self.routes?.first else { return }
    navigationViewController = NavigationViewController(
        for: route,
        styles: [NightStyle()],
        locationManager: NavigationLocationManager()
    navigationViewController.delegate = self
    present(navigationViewController, animated: true) {
        self.mapView = nil

Register to listen to the ProgressDidChange event and the ReRoute event

private func addListenerMap() {
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(progressDidChange(_ :)), name: .routeControllerProgressDidChange, object: nil)
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(progressDidReroute(_ :)), name: .routeControllerDidReroute, object: nil)

progressDidChange returns route and location data during movement, used for camera changes and better navigation. The example below saves the current position and adds a direction arrow for the next turn.

@objc func progressDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification  ) {
    let routeProgress = notification.userInfo![RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.routeProgressKey] as! RouteProgress
    let location = notification.userInfo![RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.locationKey] as! CLLocation
    currentLocation = location

progressDidReroute returns new route data when the user's location is different from the original route.

@objc func progressDidReroute(_ notification: Notification) {
  if let userInfo = notification.object as? RouteController {

Subscribe to didSelect waypoint and route events

extension ViewController: NavigationMapViewDelegate {
  func navigationMapView(_ mapView: NavigationMapView, didSelect waypoint: Waypoint) {
      guard let routeOptions = routes?.first?.routeOptions else { return }
      let modifiedOptions = routeOptions.without(waypoint: waypoint)

      presentWaypointRemovalActionSheet { _ in
          self.requestRoute(with:modifiedOptions, success: self.defaultSuccess, failure: self.defaultFailure)

  func navigationMapView(_ mapView: NavigationMapView, didSelect route: Route) {
      guard let routes = routes else { return }
      guard let index = routes.firstIndex(where: { $0 == route }) else { return }
      self.routes!.remove(at: index)
      self.routes!.insert(route, at: 0)

  private func presentWaypointRemovalActionSheet(completionHandler approve: @escaping ((UIAlertAction) -> Void)) {
      let title = NSLocalizedString("Remove Waypoint?", comment: "Waypoint Removal Action Sheet Title")
      let message = NSLocalizedString("Would you like to remove this waypoint?", comment: "Waypoint Removal Action Sheet Message")
      let removeTitle = NSLocalizedString("Remove Waypoint", comment: "Waypoint Removal Action Item Title")
      let cancelTitle = NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "Waypoint Removal Action Sheet Cancel Item Title")

      let actionSheet = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .actionSheet)
      let remove = UIAlertAction(title: removeTitle, style: .destructive, handler: approve)
      let cancel = UIAlertAction(title: cancelTitle, style: .cancel, handler: nil)
      [remove, cancel].forEach(actionSheet.addAction(_:))

      self.present(actionSheet, animated: true, completion: nil)

Subscribe to the didArriveAt event and the byCanceling event

didArriveAt event is emitted when the user reaches the destination, byCanceling is the event emitted when the user cancels navigation.

extension ViewController: NavigationViewControllerDelegate {
    // By default, when the user arrives at a waypoint, the next leg starts immediately.
    // If you implement this method, return true to preserve this behavior.
    // Return false to remain on the current leg, for example to allow the user to provide input.
    // If you return false, you must manually advance to the next leg. See the example above in `confirmationControllerDidConfirm(_:)`.
    public func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, didArriveAt waypoint: Waypoint) -> Bool {
        return true

    // Called when the user hits the exit button.
    // If implemented, you are responsible for also dismissing the UI.
    public func navigationViewControllerDidDismiss(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, byCanceling canceled: Bool) {
        self.navigationViewController.dismiss(animated: true) {


import UIKit
import VietMapCoreNavigation
import VietMapNavigation
import VietMapDirections
import UserNotifications

private typealias RouteRequestSuccess = (([Route]) -> Void)
private typealias RouteRequestFailure = ((NSError) -> Void)

class ViewController: UIViewController, MGLMapViewDelegate {

    // MARK: - IBOutlets
    @IBOutlet weak var longPressHintView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var startButton: UIButton!
    @IBOutlet weak var bottomBar: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var bottomBarBackground: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var clearMarker: UIButton!

    var navigationViewController: NavigationViewController!
    var mapboxRouteController: RouteController?
    var currentLocation: CLLocation!
    var isFirstRender: Bool = false
    var styleView = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "VietMapURL") as! String

    // MARK: Properties
    var mapView: NavigationMapView? {
        didSet {
            if let mapView = mapView {
                view.insertSubview(mapView, belowSubview: longPressHintView)

    var waypoints: [Waypoint] = [] {
        didSet {
            waypoints.forEach {
                $0.coordinateAccuracy = -1

    var routes: [Route]? {
        didSet {
            startButton.isEnabled = (routes?.count ?? 0 > 0)
            guard let routes = routes,
                  let current = routes.first else { mapView?.removeRoutes(); return }


    // MARK: Directions Request Handlers

    fileprivate lazy var defaultSuccess: RouteRequestSuccess = { [weak self] (routes) in
        guard let current = routes.first else { return }
        self?.clearMarker.isEnabled = true
        self?.routes = routes
        self?.waypoints = current.routeOptions.waypoints
        self?.longPressHintView.isHidden = true

    fileprivate lazy var defaultFailure: RouteRequestFailure = { [weak self] (error) in
        self?.routes = nil //clear routes from the map

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
            UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.badge, .alert, .sound]) { _,_ in
                DispatchQueue.main.async {

    func startMapView() {
        self.routes = nil
        self.waypoints = []
        self.mapView = NavigationMapView(frame: view.bounds,styleURL: URL(string: styleView))
        // Reset the navigation styling to the defaults if we are returning from a presentation.
        if (presentedViewController != nil) {
        Locale.localeVoice = "vi"

    func configureMapView(_ mapView: NavigationMapView) {
        mapView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
        mapView.delegate = self
        mapView.navigationMapDelegate = self
        mapView.routeLineColor = UIColor.yellow
        mapView.userTrackingMode = .follow
        mapView.showsUserHeadingIndicator = true

        let singleTap = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(didLongPress(tap:)))
        mapView.gestureRecognizers?.filter({ $0 is UILongPressGestureRecognizer }).forEach(singleTap.require(toFail:))

    // MARK: Gesture Recognizer Handlers
    @objc func didLongPress(tap: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
        guard let mapView = mapView, tap.state == .began else { return }

        if let annotation = mapView.annotations?.last, waypoints.count > 2 {

        if waypoints.count > 1 {
            waypoints = Array(waypoints.suffix(1))

        let coordinates = mapView.convert(tap.location(in: mapView), toCoordinateFrom: mapView)
        // Note: The destination name can be modified. The value is used in the top banner when arriving at a destination.
        let waypoint = Waypoint(coordinate: coordinates, name: "Dropped Pin #\(waypoints.endIndex + 1)")


    @IBAction func startButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {

    @IBAction func clearMarker(_ sender: Any) {
        self.clearMarker.isEnabled = false
        self.startButton.isEnabled = false
        longPressHintView.isHidden = false
    // MARK: - Public Methods
    // MARK: Route Requests
    func requestRoute() {
        guard waypoints.count > 0 else { return }
        guard let mapView = mapView else { return }

        let userWaypoint = Waypoint(location: mapView.userLocation!.location!, heading: mapView.userLocation?.heading, name: "User location")
        waypoints.insert(userWaypoint, at: 0)

        let routeOptions = NavigationRouteOptions(waypoints: waypoints)

        requestRoute(with: routeOptions, success: defaultSuccess, failure: defaultFailure)

    fileprivate func requestRoute(with options: RouteOptions, success: @escaping RouteRequestSuccess, failure: RouteRequestFailure?) {
        let handler: Directions.RouteCompletionHandler = {(waypoints, potentialRoutes, potentialError) in
            if let error = potentialError, let fail = failure { return fail(error) }
            guard let routes = potentialRoutes else { return }
            return success(routes)

        Directions.shared.calculate(options, completionHandler: handler)

    func startStyledNavigation() {
        guard let route = self.routes?.first else { return }
        navigationViewController = NavigationViewController(
            for: route,
            styles: [NightStyle()],
            locationManager: NavigationLocationManager()
        navigationViewController.delegate = self
        present(navigationViewController, animated: true) {
            self.mapView = nil

    private func customStyleMap() {
        navigationViewController.mapView?.styleURL = URL(string: styleView);
        navigationViewController.mapView?.routeLineColor = UIColor.yellow
        navigationViewController.mapView?.userTrackingMode = .follow
        navigationViewController.mapView?.showsUserHeadingIndicator = true

    private func configureMapView() {
        navigationViewController.mapView?.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
        navigationViewController.routeController.reroutesProactively = true

    @objc func progressDidReroute(_ notification: Notification) {
        if let userInfo = notification.object as? RouteController {

    @objc func progressDidChange(_ notification: NSNotification  ) {
        let routeProgress = notification.userInfo![RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.routeProgressKey] as! RouteProgress
        let location = notification.userInfo![RouteControllerNotificationUserInfoKey.locationKey] as! CLLocation
        currentLocation = location

    private func setCenterIsFirst(_ location: CLLocation) {
        if !isFirstRender {
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1.0) {
                let camera = MGLMapCamera(
                    lookingAtCenter: location.coordinate,
                    acrossDistance: 500,
                    pitch: 75,
                    heading: location.course
                self.navigationViewController.mapView?.setCamera(camera, animated: true)
            isFirstRender = true

    private func addManeuverArrow(_ routeProgress: RouteProgress) {
        if routeProgress.currentLegProgress.followOnStep != nil {
            navigationViewController.mapView?.addArrow(route: routeProgress.route, legIndex: routeProgress.legIndex, stepIndex: routeProgress.currentLegProgress.stepIndex + 1)
        } else {

    private func addListenerMap() {
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(progressDidChange(_ :)), name: .routeControllerProgressDidChange, object: nil)
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(progressDidReroute(_ :)), name: .routeControllerDidReroute, object: nil)

    public func cancelListener() {
        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: .routeControllerDidReroute, object: nil)
        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: .routeControllerProgressDidChange, object: nil)

// MARK: - NavigationMapViewDelegate
extension ViewController: NavigationMapViewDelegate {
    func navigationMapView(_ mapView: NavigationMapView, didSelect waypoint: Waypoint) {
        guard let routeOptions = routes?.first?.routeOptions else { return }
        let modifiedOptions = routeOptions.without(waypoint: waypoint)

        presentWaypointRemovalActionSheet { _ in
            self.requestRoute(with:modifiedOptions, success: self.defaultSuccess, failure: self.defaultFailure)

    func navigationMapView(_ mapView: NavigationMapView, didSelect route: Route) {
        guard let routes = routes else { return }
        guard let index = routes.firstIndex(where: { $0 == route }) else { return }
        self.routes!.remove(at: index)
        self.routes!.insert(route, at: 0)

    private func presentWaypointRemovalActionSheet(completionHandler approve: @escaping ((UIAlertAction) -> Void)) {
        let title = NSLocalizedString("Remove Waypoint?", comment: "Waypoint Removal Action Sheet Title")
        let message = NSLocalizedString("Would you like to remove this waypoint?", comment: "Waypoint Removal Action Sheet Message")
        let removeTitle = NSLocalizedString("Remove Waypoint", comment: "Waypoint Removal Action Item Title")
        let cancelTitle = NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "Waypoint Removal Action Sheet Cancel Item Title")

        let actionSheet = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .actionSheet)
        let remove = UIAlertAction(title: removeTitle, style: .destructive, handler: approve)
        let cancel = UIAlertAction(title: cancelTitle, style: .cancel, handler: nil)
        [remove, cancel].forEach(actionSheet.addAction(_:))

        self.present(actionSheet, animated: true, completion: nil)

// MARK: - NavigationViewControllerDelegate
extension ViewController: NavigationViewControllerDelegate {
    // By default, when the user arrives at a waypoint, the next leg starts immediately.
    // If you implement this method, return true to preserve this behavior.
    // Return false to remain on the current leg, for example to allow the user to provide input.
    // If you return false, you must manually advance to the next leg. See the example above in `confirmationControllerDidConfirm(_:)`.
    public func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, didArriveAt waypoint: Waypoint) -> Bool {
        return true

    // Called when the user hits the exit button.
    // If implemented, you are responsible for also dismissing the UI.
    public func navigationViewControllerDidDismiss(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, byCanceling canceled: Bool) {
        self.navigationViewController.dismiss(animated: true) {
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