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ControlOptions is the options for the controls of the map, such as zoom in and out, rotate, orientate, and other interactive controls.

Control Type Prop Type Default Description Example
NavigationControl showZoom boolean true Show zoom button. showZoom: false
showCompass boolean true Show compass button. showCompass: false
GeolocateControl positionOptions object {} The position options, such as high accuracy. enableHighAccuracy: true
trackUserLocation boolean false Track and show user location. trackUserLocation: true
ScaleControl maxWidth number 100 The maximum width of the scale. maxWidth: 80
unit string metric The unit of the scale: metric or imperial. unit: 'imperial'
FullscreenControl N/A N/A N/A No special options, only show fullscreen button.

Button display position

In VietMap GL, you can adjust the display position of the controls (controls) on the map. The controls like NavigationControl, GeolocateControl, ScaleControl, and FullscreenControl can be set to different positions using the position property when adding to the map.

Position Value Description
top-left top-left Display at the top left corner of the map (default position for many controls).
top-right top-right Display at the top right corner of the map.
bottom-left bottom-left Display at the bottom left corner of the map.
bottom-right bottom-right Display at the bottom right corner of the map.



map.addControl(new vietmapGl.NavigationControl(),'top-right');


map.addControl(new vietmapGl.GeolocateControl(),'top-right');


map.addControl(new vietmapGl.ScaleControl(),'top-right');


map.addControl(new vietmapGl.FullscreenControl(),'top-right');

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